Submitting a patch to the Open Source project: composite_primary_keys

Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Ruby & Rails

Not so far ago I have found a weird bug in the Open Source Ruby gem called composite_primary_keys, occurred when you specify :primary_key option for has_one or has_many association. There are two ways to get it fixed: submit an issue and wait till someone will work out this problem or fix it by yourself and then pull request to get the patch merged into the core. This is a great library and I use it in almost all my project, so I decided to help the author and fix this bug by myself. Here I will show you how to do that.

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Memo #4: Managing Ruby Gems

Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Ruby & Rails

RubyGems The power of Ruby is not only in its flexibility. It allows to create easy to maintain reusable parts of software, and also provides a way to redistribute them and integrate with your applications — RubyGems system. The only thing that could hurt developer’s brain is managing installed gems. When you are updating already installed gem, previous version will stay in gems folder and will be available to use. But why do you need all these obsolete libraries? There is a command to cleanup stale libraries in RubyGems — gem cleanup.

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Memo #1: Installing mysql and memcached gems on Mac OS X with MacPorts

Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Ruby & Rails

I have not posted anything here for a long time. It’s hard to start blogging again, so I will write a short tips and tricks series called “Memo“. Today I’m going to talk about two Ruby gems I’m using in all my Ruby on Rails project: mysql and memcached. Every time I try to install or update those gems on Mac OS X following error occurs:

Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
ERROR:  Error installing mysql:
    ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

And then I’m googling on how to install these gems. It’s time simplify my life and post commands here.

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