Scribd is the largest social publishing company in the world, the Website where tens of millions of people each month publish and discover original writings and documents. On Scribd, you can quickly and easily turn nearly any file — including PDF, Word, PowerPoint and Excel — into a Web document and share it with the world.
- Company:
- Scribd
- URL:
- Technologies/Software:
- Ruby on Rails (primary development platform)
- MySQL (system DBMS)
- Sphinx Search Engine (indexing and content search)
- Nginx, Apache + Passenger
- RSpec, CruiseControl
- Amazon S3 (storage service)
- Amazon EC2 (conversion nodes)
- Panther Express CDN
- Roles:
- Backend/Frontend Development
- Database Development
- SEO Optimization
- Scribd API Development
- Performance Analysis
- Ops Web Tools Development
- Year:
- 2008 — 2009