Plugin allows to select category which will be used to generate permalink on post edit page. Use custom permalink option %scategory% on Options/Permalinks options page.
Download and unpack plugin files to the wp-content/plugins/scategory-permalink directory.
Enable sCategory Permalink plugin on your Plugins page in Site Admin.
Open the Options/Permalinks page in Site Admin and use %scategory% option in Custom Structure text field (you can look here for other options). In this blog I’m using /%scategory%/%postname%/ structure.
When you move your mouse over category in Categories box the Primary link will appear on the right.
Click it to set the category which will be used to generate permalinks. It will be highlighted with bold.
Have fun!
Download and unpack plugin files to the wp-content/plugins/scategory-permalink directory.
Open the Options/Permalinks page in Site Admin and and click Save Changes to re-generate permalinks.
When you move your mouse over category in Categories box the Primary link will appear on the right. Click it to set the category which will be used to generate permalinks. It will be highlighted with bold.
I have recorded a small screencast on how sCategory Permalinks works starting from version 0.6.0:
Plugin works pretty well with the WordPress 2.7.0 — 2.8.2. Hey users of WordPress 2.7.0, could you explain why do you use so old buggy crap? Use new one instead, at least it looks more beautiful!
Latest version of sCategory Permalink is 0.6.2, and it could be downloaded here:
version0.6.2DownloadsCategory Permalink
Also you can download older versions from plugin home page on (but do you really need this old stuff?).
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Every page on my site responds with error 404
A. Go to Options/Permalinks page in Site Admin and click Save Changes to re-generate permalinks.
Q. First category is used for permalinks instead of selected
A. Check the permalinks structure you used (Options/Permalinks). You should use %scategory% instead of %category%.
Q. I love this plugin. How to do a favor to the author?
A. Just vote for this plugin on And thank you!
If you have any suggestions, found a bug, or just wanted to say “thank you”,– feel free to contact me. Promise, I will answer to every message.
If you want to contribute your code, see the Development section below.
Sources of this plugin are available both in SVN and Git:
Feel free to check them out, make your changes and send me patches. Promise, I will apply every patch (of course, if they add a value to the product). Email for patches, suggestions, or bug reports: [email protected]. Also you have much more ways to contact me.
- 0.6.2 (July 30, 2009)
- Nothing really changed. Just to force WordPress to update version.
- 0.6.1 (July 30, 2009)
- Fixed blank page when post edit page requested.
- Fixed “Primary” link appear on all sub-categories, when category selected.
- 0.6.0 (July 30, 2009)
- Client side script completely rewritten. New visual look and better usability (thanks to Nikolay Kolev).
- 0.5.0 (July 28, 2009)
- Fixed problem with Subscribe2 plugin (thanks to Paul Wagorn).
- Performance improvement (update meta tags only once per save).
- 0.4.0 (July 21, 2009)
- Fixed not-found bug when /%year%/%scategory%/%posttitle% permalink used.
- Fixed not-found bug when paged comments enabled (/comment-page-N).
- JavaScript rewritten using jQuery library.
- 0.3.0 (April 4, 2008)
- Fixed bug when pages was not found in WordPress 2.5.
- 0.2.2 (May 20, 2007)
- Sometimes radio buttons was not displayed (thanks to Vince Caughley and Sam Keen).
- 0.2.1 (Apr 1, 2007)
- Removed dependency on deprecated WordPress 1.5 function wp_get_post_cats.
- 0.2.0 (Mar 30, 2007)
- Fixed bug with trackbacks (thanks to Caio Proiete).
- Fixed bug when radiobuttons was missing on new post page (thanks to Jayant Kumar Gandhi).
- 0.1.0 (Nov 18, 2006)
- Initial plugin implementation.
Other plugins
Full list of plugins I have implemented is available here.
I can’t see the radio control with wordpress 2.1.3. There are some problems?
Are you sure you have enabled plugin? Another possible errors: you should copy plugin files into the wp-content/plugins/scategory_permalink folder; you should have JavaScript enabled in your browser.
Hm.. Francesco, you are right. I have same problem.
You must press button ‘Save and Continue Editing’ or ‘Save’. You will see radio control after this step.
kpumuk, if user does not save a post, there is no way to select category(user just does not see radio control :( )
Roman, you should update plugin to the latest version. See changelog for details, this bug has been fixed in 0.2.0 :-)
Yep, you are right. I forgot update the plugin.
This looks like a great plugin – exactly what I wanted. However, like Francesco, after activating I too cannot see the radio control with WordPress 2.1.
Source code for the post page has included the scategory javascript, but still no controls.
Is there anything I can check to find out why the problem?
Okay, you could help me (and other plugin users) if you would post some additional information: your browser (and maybe plugins, which you are using in it, especially if they are modifying html somehow,- just like greasemonkey for Firefox does), wordpress version (2.1.3 or less?), wordpress plugins (this is most important information).
You can send me this information by email ([email protected]) or post in comments. I know, it’s not easy to collect all this information… You could make several screenshots of you wordpress plugins page at least. It would be perfect.
Of course, I’m trying to locate the problem myself, but it’s not easy to reproduce.
Thanks for help!
I’m having the same issue
let me know if you need any other info
Sam Keen
Hi, thanks for the update.
I have an issue with displaying subcatgories in the URL.
This are fine:
But not this:
I get a 404 error.
This is my permalinks structure:
same here :/
My structure:
Also, id like to show ONLY the primary category, instead of both primary and parent.
Ex, with the structure used above, when i select the “News” category as the main one, it also prints its parent category (“Editoria”) in the url:
instead of just:
A really great and important plugin. i have a question, though. it seems to me that your plugin also creates new category url’s.
If than is created for the category page.
These url’s do not replace the normal wordpress ones ( That’s a shame, because category-label links under posts link to the old default url’s, while the new ones are much more logic.
I tried to fool wordpress by defining category permalink as /somestring/categoryname and post-permalink /somestring/categoryname/postname. This makes post-url return 404 though :-(.
any ideas?
oops. typo in admin-header. js link points to scategory_permalink, while plugin is in scategory-permalink. renaming directory solves problem
Dmytro I figured out why people are having a hard time getting the radio buttons to show on the post page. It’s quite simple:
– On the scategory_permalink.php page, there is this line of code:
If the users are anything like me, they simple unzipped the folder as “scategory-permalink.0.2.2” so that directory that is calling on the folder isn’t correct. If you simply change that line to:
You got the radio buttons to show! I’m sure there’s a better way you can do this… a way where you don’t even have to change that $pluginLocation… just have it so it knows no matter where it is located (since the user, like many of us, will have made the mistake in unzipping it in a different directory than the one you put hard coded in the file)
Hope that helps
I have a question about the plugin:
What about posts published before plugin installation?
Does it work with PW 2.2.2?
Hello Dmytro,
I have used your plugin as a starting point for creating a similar one NG Primary Category WordPress plugin which inserts the radio boxes without using any Javascript (through PHP output buffering & regular expressions).
You might want to check the source code. Your comments / suggestions will be very welcomed since your PHP experience seems very advanced.
If it wasn’t for the %scategory% your plugin would have saved me from all the trouble!
Congratulations for having an excellent site, combining very good layout / presentation with very interesting subjects.
Hi Nick: I’m very interested in using your NG Primary Category WordPress plugin, but can’t download it since your site appears to be down. Any chance you can get it loaded into WordPress’ plugins section?
Dmytro: No insult intended! Your plugin appears to work great so far, but I’d like to compare with Nick’s to see which works best for me.
I’m using WP 2.2.x, activated plugin, followed the directions and I (like the guy with the previous version you fixed) am not seeing the radio buttons come up either.
I am also getting on the write new post page an error message line 481 on post-new.php. “object expected”. When I “turn back the hands of time” and deactivate your plugin and take the scatagory out of permalinks, the write page shows no errors, so it seems this is the problem.
Hope you come up with a fix. Thanks!
I have same problem like HarryK’s problem.
А с wp 2.3.1 совместимость планируется?
It is not working on WP 2.3.3
The radio buttons does not appear.
same here, now working with 2.3.3 :( !
does anyone know of any alternative plugins? or a way to do it manually?
dear dmytro, ive installed everything according to the instructions, but the chosen (radiobutton) category does not show as the first one in my theme…
an example: at , ive chosen “tech” (ca 19) as the main category for the latest article on intels atom. neverhteless, the article shows up as “hardware” (cat 34). i ve got no explanation for this.
ive tried to uncheck the checkbox of the radiobuttoned tech category, but that doesnt help either. then “tech” disappears entirely from the theme on pages such as
forgot to mention that cat 34 hardware is nested in cat 19 tech. this means that “hardware” is a part of “tech”. is this the culprit?
Thank you for the report. Will check it in a short time.
Mmm, this may be a silly question, but next to each category there is a checkbox and a radio but – what is the purpose of having both of these? If i’m going to assign a post to a specific category should I select both the radio button and checkbox across from that category or only the radio button?
I’m just mystified about the checkbox when there is only reference to the radio button above.
Many thanks for a great plug
sadly the plugin is not working correctly with WP 2.6.1. The correct URL, as it is supposed by me, will be produced but it leads to 404. Any Chance for an update?
The checkboxes are used originaly by WordPress to assign one (or more!) categories to your post. The Radiobutton is used by this plugin to asign only one category to your post that should be displayed in the URL if you are using the permalink feature by WordPress. If you always assign only one category to your posts, or you are not using permalinks, you don’t need this plugin.
Hi Smooth
thanks a lot that explanation has really helped.
[…] Install the sCategory Permalink plugin, which will let you choose which category (silo) each post should go […]
Супер, спасибо большущее за плагин. Пытался найти решение, но помог только ваш плагин. В такие моменты хочется найти кнопку Donate :)
[…] answer to this minor problem was sCategory Permalink, a plugin by Dmytro Shteflyuk which allows you to tick which category your post will use for your […]
any suggestion how to automaticly using main category
thanks for your help
This is the exact plugin I was looking for. Thanks so much for the time you’ve put into it.
Sadly, it isn’t working for me.
I see the radio buttons. But no matter which category I select (main category or sub-category) the permalink doesn’t change.
I’m using WordPress 2.6.1 if that helps.
в 2.7 всё сломалось(
Достаточно просто пересохранить пермалинки на странице администрирования – и все работает.
Как я рад, что всё ещё живо)
только я не могу найти где это можно сделать.
Settings -> Permalinks -> Save
This is a great plugin, but is there a way to do it without using %scategory% and just the standard %category%? I’d like the actual permalink to be manipulated upon saving the post.
I’m building a site where posts are categorized under several different sub-categories, but I want the permalinks to be created from only one set. But I would like the posts to appear in the pages for the other categories as well.
I’d like for permalinks to be /issues/july-2009/post-name.html and I would like to be able to go to /topics/development and see the post listed there. With %scategory% I currently get a 404 for /topics/development. How can I manipulate the actual permalink creation not using %scateogry%?
Let me know if you need more clarification and thanks for all the great work you have out into this plugin!
Hey Jon,
Thank you for your great proposal. I definitely have to implement this feature in nearest release (I’m working on it now). Stay tuned!
Спасибо дмитрий за отличный плагин, но вот в 2.7 перестали нормально коментарии работать. При постинге пишет что страница не найдена.
Да, Евгений, спасибо. Тоже заметил, ищу решение, недеюсь, скоро получится исправить. Эта ошибка проявляется, если включить разбивку комментариев на страницы, потому если Вам не критично, можете отключить эту возможность дабы избавиться от ошибки. А там я и плагин поправлю :-)
Я просто файл wp-comments-post на старый поменял, там редирект иначе сделан. Спасибо.
Great plugin, I really loved it!!
And it works fine with WP 2.7!
Well, after some tests I found out the 404 bug too…
My permalink was the tradicional /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/ and I changed it to /%post_id%/%scategory%/%postname%/
During the past week I’ve been testing a lot of configs, tried to mix scategory with permalink-redirect and top-level-cats, it made a too much trastic change in WP core and something was always not working.
After learning more about htaccess and trying to redirect error permalinks to working ones, I abdicated of top-level-cats and made most of permalink-redirect directly in htaccess, leaving only scategory.
But something is still not working. As soon as I change parmalink, pages URLs break. They all start returning 404 and nothing can stop it.
The 2 things that I can’t let go is the new permalink structure and the ability to choose which category will be used for each post.
But I also can’t break date archives and much less pages, so I’m in a dead end now.
If I find a solution I’ll come back share it, but any help is also very apreciated :(
Увы, получаю ошибку 404. WordPress 2.6.1
Hello Dmytro,
Thank you for providing a great plugin.
I am having the same problem as Jon with subcategories. At this point I am getting a 404 when someone submits a comment. No 404 elsewere. I hope to hear about solution soon. Thank you.
Permalink: /%scategory%/%postname%/ before /%category%/%postname%/
WP 2.7.1 + sCategory 0.3.0
Attachment to above for clarification:
After clicking on the submit comment:
where the 404 error occurs.
After disabling the sCategory plugin, it works but I loose the subcategory in the address.
Thanks in advance for this.
After searching. I disabled comments paging in Settings > Discussion and it seems to be working.
I don’t think I have the same issue as Jon like I initially posted.
Thanks for a great plugin. Will be sure to make a donation soon.
I second Jon’s request above but for a slightly different reason. My permalink structure uses .html and sCategory Permalink strips this resulting in problems with other plug ins.
This plugin solved my 404 subcategory issues without any workarounds:
I installed this plugin, it seemed to work correctly, but now all my Pgaes (pages, not posts) all result in 404’s.
how do I finx this? even after disabling the plugin, is still doesn’t work !!
actually, sorry, the problem goes away when I completely deactivate the plugin… but of course none of the inbound links to my blog link to the right pages because all the urls changed back to default categories.
help, is there a fix for this?
paul, just go to Options/Permalinks and check the permalink structure (should be %scategory%). Then click save to regenerate permalinks.
Yes, that’s what I did when I installed it, and it worked fine, however the Pages (again, pages, no posts) stopped working – they all resulted in 404’s.
the temporary fix for me was to go back to the %category% method… this actually didn’t work (even after re-saving), and I had to actually deactivate the plugin for it to start working.
NOW, the big problem is that my permalinks have reverted back to the originales (ie with categories other than the ones I selected with your pluin), and so links coming into my site all point at pages that do not exist.
The main problem is that your plugin causes my pages to 404. The secondary problem is that my inbound links are messed up now because i had to deactivate the plugin to make my site work.