Memo #6: Using named routes and url_for outside the controller in Ruby on Rails

Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Ruby & Rails

Sometimes we need to write small console scripts which do some background processing on our models. In Scribd we are using Loops to run these tasks (check Alexey Kovyrin’s introduction post). One of our scripts supposed to generate some sort of html reports, and we need to generate links to our site there.

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Memo #5: Use ary.uniq method carefully in Ruby

Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Ruby & Rails

Today my friend asked me to help him with an unexpected behavior of Ruby’s Hash.uniq method. Here is an example:

[{"id"=>667824693}, {"id"=>667824693}].uniq
# => [{"id"=>667824693}, {"id"=>667824693}]
[{"id"=>66782469}, {"id"=>66782469}].uniq
# => [{"id"=>66782469}]
[{"id"=>6678246931}, {"id"=>6678246931}].uniq
# => [{"id"=>6678246931}]

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Memo #4: Managing Ruby Gems

Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Ruby & Rails

RubyGems The power of Ruby is not only in its flexibility. It allows to create easy to maintain reusable parts of software, and also provides a way to redistribute them and integrate with your applications — RubyGems system. The only thing that could hurt developer’s brain is managing installed gems. When you are updating already installed gem, previous version will stay in gems folder and will be available to use. But why do you need all these obsolete libraries? There is a command to cleanup stale libraries in RubyGems — gem cleanup.

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Memo #3: Advanced usage of Ruby hashes and arrays

Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Ruby & Rails

Ruby One of the most used features in any programming language is a Hash. Today we are going to talk about some of the Ruby’s Hash features, which are well documented, but rarely used — parameters of the Hash constructor. In the second part of this article we will take a look at the arguments of the Array class’ constructor.

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Memo #2: Useful Git tricks with remote branches

Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Development

Git Here in Scribd we are using Git as primary version control system. We have tons of branches created, merged and destroyed every day. Someday I hope to describe our workflow with Git, but today I want to write about some useful techniques of working with this incredible tool.

It’s implied that you know what is Git itself and how to work with it. Below you can find some advanced tricks, that should be helpful for you (at least they were helpful for me).

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