Submitting a patch to the Open Source project: composite_primary_keys

Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Ruby & Rails

Not so far ago I have found a weird bug in the Open Source Ruby gem called composite_primary_keys, occurred when you specify :primary_key option for has_one or has_many association. There are two ways to get it fixed: submit an issue and wait till someone will work out this problem or fix it by yourself and then pull request to get the patch merged into the core. This is a great library and I use it in almost all my project, so I decided to help the author and fix this bug by myself. Here I will show you how to do that.

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My top 7 RSpec best practices

Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Ruby & Rails

I use RSpec in all my projects. It’s really hard to overemphasize how helpful it is and how much easier becomes your life if you have good specs coverage. But its outstanding flexibility enables many ways to make your specs awful: horribly slow, over-bloated, even non-readable sometimes. I do not want to teach you BDD and RSpec here, but instead I will give you some ideas how to improve your specs quality and increase efficiency of your BDD workflow.

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Memo #5: Use ary.uniq method carefully in Ruby

Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Ruby & Rails

Today my friend asked me to help him with an unexpected behavior of Ruby’s Hash.uniq method. Here is an example:

[{"id"=>667824693}, {"id"=>667824693}].uniq
# => [{"id"=>667824693}, {"id"=>667824693}]
[{"id"=>66782469}, {"id"=>66782469}].uniq
# => [{"id"=>66782469}]
[{"id"=>6678246931}, {"id"=>6678246931}].uniq
# => [{"id"=>6678246931}]

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Installing and Using Scribe with Ruby on Mac OS

Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Mac OS X

Scribe In Scribd we have tons of analytics data generated daily that should be somehow processed. Currently we use MySQL to store all this stuff, but that is not the best option for logging lots of data. So we’ve decided to try some more specialized tools, which could help us to store and process our data. The most interesting thing which could simplify analytics data collecting was Scribe. As it turned out, installation process is not so simple as expected so here you will find a few steps manual on how to install Scribe on a developer machine.

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