My best friend Alexey Kovyrin founded new blog — Homo-Adminus Blog. As he mentioned in our conversation this blog was intended for improve his english skills. I think we’ll find many interesting news and ideas on this page.
Here You will be able to read my notes about my admin’s life, about some interesting news in IT world, maybe some links to interesting web resources.
In my previous post I’ve described several simple AJAX plugins. Now I’ll show how to use one of them — ajax_form — in real applications. I think this is the most powerful plugin therefor I’ll dwell on it more elaborately.
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Today I’ve created simple AJAX-enabled plugins for Smarty. I don’t try to develop powerful reach-applications framework. I can give you only idea how to integrate AJAX-technology into Smarty. But if you have any offers how to improve anything I’ve described or if you just want to leave feedback please post you comments on my site.
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Today I found very useful tool for PHP – dBug. I think every PHP-programmer uses var_dump or print_r functions for debugging purpose very often. dBug displays structured information about your variables like these functions but in more suitable way (in colored tabular format).
Full features list with the examples of work can be found on original site.