Sometimes we need to do some tasks, that libraries developers even have not foreseen. One of such cases is to make synchronous AJAX call (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML). Below you could find quick solution.
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Today I spent almost full day for reflection on to buy or not additional memory for my computer. As a result new script was born, and he saved my brain:

If you have questions like this — ask the script, maybe it would help you too :-)
This is a third part of the JavaScript optimization tutorial, and today I’m going to talk about events. Sorry for a long delay between posts, I hope remaining parts would not be delayed so much.
Scenario: you have some elements and you need to add some actions to them (for example, when user moves mouse cursor over element, or clicks on elements).
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This is second part of articles cycle devoted to JavaScript optimization. In this post I’ll cover dynamic elements styling and explore a little HTML-rendering process. Also you will find here some tricks on how to make your applications faster.
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Most web-developers writing tons of JavaScript, especially in our Web 2.0 century. It’s powerful technology, but most browsers has very slow implementation of engine, and everyone at some instant decide to review code and make it faster. In this post I’ll share my experience and explain several tricks how to make your JavaScript as fast as possible.
This is first article in 7 parts tutorial, stay tuned.
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