RSpec has great feature — mock objects (mocks). In a few words: mock object imitates behavior of the object, which used by the tested methods. And simple example immediately:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
| describe UserHelper
it 'should generate correct link to user profile in user_link' do
@user = mock('User')
@user.stub!(:id, 10)
@user.stub!(:new_record?, false)
@user.stub!(:preferred_name, 'Dmytro S.')
@user.stub!(:full_name, 'Dmytro Shteflyuk')
user_link(@user).should == link_to('Dmytro S.', user_url(:id => 10), :title => 'Dmytro Shteflyuk')
end |
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When I worked on Best Tech Videos with Alexey Kovyrin, we faced a problem of filtering videos by category with selecting posts categories in the same query. It was easy to solve the problem, but there is one query optimization trick exists.
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Yesterday in mailing list of russian RoR group we have discussed following problem. MySQL database has unique index and model has validates_uniqueness_of constraint. Do we need to handle MySQL server exceptions or RoR’s validation will be enough?
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