screencast | Dmytro Shteflyuk's Home In my blog I'll try to describe about interesting technologies, my discovery in IT and some useful things about programming. Tue, 08 Sep 2015 00:23:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Best Tech Videos: Great Changes Coming Sun, 20 May 2007 19:50:37 +0000 During the last few months we (I and Alexey Kovyrin) have been working on a major Best Tech Videos site platform update. If you have not seen it before — it is time to take a look at it because really soon everything will change. I don’t mean that site idea would change (you would […]

The post Best Tech Videos: Great Changes Coming first appeared on Dmytro Shteflyuk's Home.]]>
Best Tech Videos: Logo

During the last few months we (I and Alexey Kovyrin) have been working on a major Best Tech Videos site platform update. If you have not seen it before — it is time to take a look at it because really soon everything will change. I don’t mean that site idea would change (you would be able to find there the best tech videos), but usability, information availability and many small but useful things will be changed for good.

So, what are these major changes? First of all, design of the site has been changed and, I think, it is much better now. Here are some examples of the first page, login page and videos list page as they look on the test server now:

Best Tech Videos: Home Best Tech Videos: Login Best Tech Videos: Videos in category

Video Authors (producers) could manually post their own videos on the server now. To make some video available to site visitors and users (onlooker), it have to be approved by one of the site’s moderators (instructor) or by some other author. Video posting page will look like following:

Best Tech Videos: Post new video

One more really great feature — now you could compose your own videos RSS-feed using some of the site’s feeds for tags and categories. You could simply choose tags and categories you like and get your own RSS feed with the best videos from your point of view.

Best Tech Videos: Feed manager Best Tech Videos: Add feed by tag

Besides of view changes, we have decided to add some ‘sociality’ to the service, so now you could vote for videos you like, add videos to your favorite videos list and discuss videos with your fellow BTV users. Of course, you and your friends could get your favorite videos list RSS-feed.

Best Tech Videos: User profile

By the way, I want to emphasize a bit on a technologies. Current version of the site was based on WordPress engine with some set of custom plugins. New version has been created from scratch using Ruby on Rails and now we have pretty flexible basement for further service development. So, if you have any ideas how to make the service better — your suggestions are really welcome.

And now I want to disclose some of our stats. As of today, you can find on our site 754 high-quality (custom filtered) videos in 100 categories which are more than 385 hours of video content! This collection grows every day. So, stay tuned — we will announce final release of the services soon.

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Best technical video on the Net Fri, 17 Nov 2006 05:34:30 +0000 Few days ago my best friend Alexey Kovyrin started new site which name is As he mentioned, this site has been created because there are lots really interesting videos on the Net, but if you’d like to fine some good tech video, it is not so simple to find them because of tons of […]

The post Best technical video on the Net first appeared on Dmytro Shteflyuk's Home.]]>
BestTechVideosFew days ago my best friend Alexey Kovyrin started new site which name is As he mentioned, this site has been created because there are lots really interesting videos on the Net, but if you’d like to fine some good tech video, it is not so simple to find them because of tons of crappy “funny videos” like “funny cats” and so on.

This site is interesting for me because I really like to see smarty people and listen their thoughts. Project is just started therefor video collection is not so large as I want, but it grows every day. I found interesting screencasts about AJAX, Web 2.0 and others here.

So, If you like to attend technical conferences and watch conference sessions on video, if you like idea of screencasts, etc, then this site is for you! Welcome to Best Tech Videos you’ll be impressed by amount of hi-quality and useful videos on the Net.

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