Today I spent almost full day for reflection on to buy or not additional memory for my computer. As a result new script was born, and he saved my brain:
If you have questions like this — ask the script, maybe it would help you too :-)
thoughts about programming
Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under JavaScript
Today I spent almost full day for reflection on to buy or not additional memory for my computer. As a result new script was born, and he saved my brain:
If you have questions like this — ask the script, maybe it would help you too :-)
Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Ruby & Rails
Very often I have to implement console scripts (because of my laziness, for boring processes optimization). Many of them write some information to the output, show process status or display results of work. Anyway, it’s very wearisome action to read script output, and I want to highlight most important things: errors in red, successfully finished steps in green color, etc. And it is a case when ANSI escape sequences could help. They are supported by the most terminals, including VT100 (btw, Windows NT family console does not support it, but I will back to this issue later).
Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Ruby & Rails
In my current project I need to encode media files from any format to several predefined. Furthermore I need to track progress and show it for the customer. I don’t want to describe wich media formats I need and what troubles with converting (maybe it will be my future posts, if anybody interested), instead I will describe common idea how to implement encoder scripts and how to track progress.