Today I spent almost full day for reflection on to buy or not additional memory for my computer. As a result new script was born, and he saved my brain:
If you have questions like this — ask the script, maybe it would help you too :-)
thoughts about programming
Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under JavaScript
Today I spent almost full day for reflection on to buy or not additional memory for my computer. As a result new script was born, and he saved my brain:
If you have questions like this — ask the script, maybe it would help you too :-)
Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Resume
During the last few months we (I and Alexey Kovyrin) have been working on a major Best Tech Videos site platform update. If you have not seen it before — it is time to take a look at it because really soon everything will change. I don’t mean that site idea would change (you would be able to find there the best tech videos), but usability, information availability and many small but useful things will be changed for good.
Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Ruby & Rails
You definitely should watch it. Gregg Pollack and Jason Seifer from RailsEnvy present:
Part 1. Ruby on Rails vs Java
Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Ruby & Rails
If you are creating Ruby on Rails application like a blog, you most probably want to generate URLs using post titles. It’s good practice, because search engines like keywords in URL, and it looks more human-readable. Just compare: and (yeah, it’s long, but self-descriptive). Anyways, this is small post about converting a title to a permalink.
Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under JavaScript
This is a third part of the JavaScript optimization tutorial, and today I’m going to talk about events. Sorry for a long delay between posts, I hope remaining parts would not be delayed so much.
Scenario: you have some elements and you need to add some actions to them (for example, when user moves mouse cursor over element, or clicks on elements).