Best technical video on the Net

Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under Resume

BestTechVideosFew days ago my best friend Alexey Kovyrin started new site which name is As he mentioned, this site has been created because there are lots really interesting videos on the Net, but if you’d like to fine some good tech video, it is not so simple to find them because of tons of crappy “funny videos” like “funny cats” and so on.

This site is interesting for me because I really like to see smarty people and listen their thoughts. Project is just started therefor video collection is not so large as I want, but it grows every day. I found interesting screencasts about AJAX, Web 2.0 and others here.

So, If you like to attend technical conferences and watch conference sessions on video, if you like idea of screencasts, etc, then this site is for you! Welcome to Best Tech Videos you’ll be impressed by amount of hi-quality and useful videos on the Net.

AJAX-enabled Smarty plugins

Posted by Dmytro Shteflyuk on under PHP

Today I’ve created simple AJAX-enabled plugins for Smarty. I don’t try to develop powerful reach-applications framework. I can give you only idea how to integrate AJAX-technology into Smarty. But if you have any offers how to improve anything I’ve described or if you just want to leave feedback please post you comments on my site.

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